30 Minutes after your service:
Use one (1) Antiseptic Wipe and swipe your brows gently to remove any leftover pigment or blood. Apply Healing Ointment provided in your Aftercare Kit.
The Night of Your Service:
Wash your hands and wet two (2) cotton rounds with warm water. Apply mild, unscented soap to the cotton round and wash your brows thoroughly. Pat dry with a clean paper towel. Use one (1) Antiseptic wipe and gently swipe over your brows, then apply the Healing Ointment and get your beauty sleep!
From this point until the brows are healed, keep them as dry as possible. When you shower, keep your face out of the direct stream of the water. On days you need to wash your hair, use your shower guard to keep your brows as dry as possible. Keep a clean paper towel nearby to pat them dry if they get wet and immediately apply the Healing Ointment.
Day 2-14: Apply the healing ointment morning and night, enough to keep them moist. Apply as needed if they start to feel tight and itchy.
Do NOT pick at your brows as they are healing. You want any flaking to fall off naturally for best-healed results. Avoid Sweating as much as you can.
Avoid Saunas, Steam Rooms, etc
Do not immerse your brows in water, no swimming, etc
Avoid Botox, chemical peels, and fillers for 3 weeks after your session.
Avoid Retinol, serums, lotion, makeup on/around brows for the entirety of your healing process (1.5-2 weeks)
You should be Rebooked for the Perfecting Session, if not please reach out ASAP so we can add you in our books to achieve your dream look on the second session.